[Maths-Education] MER

Pat Perks P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 17:00:46 +0000 [GMT]

Mathematics Education Review
The Refereed Journal of the Association of Mathematics Education 

Your next opportunity is Apri1 1st 2001 =96please submit those dazzling 
descriptions of your practice.  We would love to hear of your greatest 
To submit, please send 3 printed copies plus an electronic version, 
further details can be found at the back of MER,
Pat Perks and Stephanie Prestage
	Mathematics Education Review
	School of Education
	The University of Birmingham
	Birmingham B15 2TT

Dr Pat Perks                        email:   P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
School of Education                 phone:  (+44) 121 414 4814
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham    B15 2TT