[Maths-Education] Opportunity

Paul Ernest P.Ernest@exeter.ac.uk
Mon, 9 Apr 2001 17:37:08 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

There's a poistion in Primary Mathematics 
Education here at the University of Exeter

I havn't seen the advert. If interested contact 
Personnel Division her at Exeter University, tel. 
01392-263120 or email s.m.wilson@ex.ac.uk

PS don't contact me for more info - I don't have any!


Paul Ernest              Phone: +44-1392-264857
University of Exeter     Secretary: +44-1392-264877
School of Education      Fax: +44-1392-264736
Heavitree Road           Email: p.ernest@ex.ac.uk
Exeter  EX1 2LU, UK      Web: http://www.ex.ac.uk/~PErnest/

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