[Maths-Education] NEW BOOK. British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.

Tim Rowland tr202@cus.cam.ac.uk
Sun, 18 Jun 2000 17:12:30 +0100 (BST)

*************************** NEW BOOK ************************************

Papers of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics

Edited by Tim Rowland and Candia Morgan

June 2000, 256 pages.
ISBN 0-9538498-0-5
=A310.00 plus delivery =A31

For full details of contents and an order form, please visit


This is the second volume in an occasional series of refereed papers
originating in conferences of the British Society for Research into
Learning Mathematics. The fifteen papers in this collection are
representative of the best and most interesting work undertaken by members
of the Society. The book is an outstanding showcase for mathematics
education research in a British context.

The fifteen chapters address topics within four broad themes - Number;
Teachers; Technology and Learning Mathematics; Challenging Perspectives.=20

Many of the chapters reflect the active engagement of researchers in areas
of national priority in the teaching and learning of mathematics,
demonstrating the involvement of a research community grappling in a
rigorous way with complex issues of national and international concern.=20

Dr Tim Rowland
Homerton College
Cambridge CB2 2PH

Phone [44] [0]1223 507298
Fax [44] [0]1223 300982
email tr202@cam.ac.uk

Membership Secretary
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics

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